Safeguarding solvency
Milliman reserving solutions

Regulatory compliance
Milliman reserving insight

Individual claim reserving: A complementary approach aggregated methods
More individual claim reserving models have been developed in recent decades, and the availability of increasingly detailed claims data allows for a fresh look at reserving. Yet is using individual losses more efficient than aggregate methods?

Market conditions lead to rise in legacy asbestos transactions
Asbestos claims can pose significant financial burdens to corporate entities and insurers alike, necessitating effective strategies to manage and alleviate these liabilities.

U.S. General Aviation admitted market: Summary of 2022 statutory financial results
We are pleased to summarize key year-end 2022 financial results for domestic U.S. General Aviation (USGA) admitted market insurers.

VM-20 for principle-based reserving - Tales from the front office
Life insurance experts discuss challenges and success stories from VM-20 implementation.

The D&O market in 2021 and beyond: Milliman actuaries point to rising premiums and improving results
Actuaries point to rising premiums and improving results in the growing D&O market, where loss experience is improving.

A beginner’s guide to the casualty actuarial language
If you’ve ever thought your actuary was speaking a foreign language, “How to speak casualty actuary 101” will help you navigate common terms and acronyms.

Coal mining black lung claims: A struggling industry
One in 10 underground coal miners who worked for at least 25 years have black lung disease, according to National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health.

The basics of an effective insurance cost allocation

Effective governance
While improvements in governance and regulatory oversight over the last two decades have equipped audit committees with a greater understanding of what the risks are to reserves, there is little information available regarding how audit committee members should challenge actuaries and management to ensure that risks are being identified, clearly reported, and addressed.

Individual claim reserving models: Adding value
Individual claim models (ICMs) is an emerging area of research and practice which uses individual claim level data to estimate loss reserves. Learn how technology makes ICMs more accessible, and applications for the approach.

Issues and challenges in a principle-based reserving world
Learn about issues to consider in the ongoing transition to principles-based reserving.