Von der Idee zur Implementierung
Bevölkerungsbasierte Strategien
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Wie man ein Population Health Management Programm implementiert
Read the article
White paper
Population health management program development: The path to the Triple Aim
In this paper, we outline a process to design effective PHMPs that will help hospital systems develop a step-by-step approach to care redesign that can improve the health of a population, improve the patient experience, and reduce costs.

Issue Brief
Population Health Management Concepts
Population health management has been an industry concept for decades, though it has yet to be fully implemented by the healthcare industry.

White paper
Population health and value-based care collaboration: Primary care case study
This paper discusses the primary care redesign of seven US practices over the course of three years, including their reported utilization and savings achievements.
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Hospital performance analysis
Hospital Performance Index
ACA compliance & affordability
Healthcare Reform Dashboard
Analytik im Gesundheitswesen
Claims data analytics
Bundled Payment Reporting Interface
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ACO Insight
Healthcare cost modeling
Health Cost Guidelines Suite
Medical underwriting