Damit Medicare für alle Beteiligten funktioniert
Medicare-Lösungen von Milliman

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Medicare-Ressourcen von Milliman

Star rating changes: How Medicare Advantage plans react
This paper provides insight into benefit and premium changes made alongside revenue changing due to a star rating change and measures the change in value added through benefits and premium changes provided to beneficiaries.

Medicare Evaluating the potential out-of-pocket cost impact of the Senior Savings Model on Medicare Part D members who use insulin
This paper explores the impact of the Part D Senior Savings Model on patient out-of-pocket costs.

Key considerations in product design for actuaries for the 2021 MA pricing season
Newly available product design options will require actuaries to develop new tools and processes in order to assist Medicare Advantage organizations in bid development.

Direct Contracting: A program summary and comparison with MSSP and NGACO
This paper provides an in-depth technical evaluation of Direct Contracting, based on the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services request for applications, along with comparisons to its sister programs—Medicare Shared Savings Program Accountable Care Organization (ACO) and Next Generation ACO.

State of the 2020 Medicare Advantage industry
This report highlights key changes in member premiums and benefits for the 2020 Medicare Advantage (MA) market, as well as the contributing factors for, and the magnitude of, the increase in value added within the MA market each year from 2016 to 2020.

Prospective and retrospective assignment in MSSP and beyond
What are the potential effects of prospective and retrospective assignment on key accountable care organization metrics under the Medicare Shared Savings Program?

Medicare FFS Direct Contracting: Financial benchmark observations
What are the similarities and differences in the financial benchmark methodology between the Direct Contracting payment model and the Medicare Shared Savings Program?

Medicare Advantage: Strategies to increase plan revenue
This paper explores the various components of Medicare Advantage revenue, avenues Medicare Advantage organizations may explore to increase their Part C and Part D revenues, and key considerations for each approach.

Medicare Advantage: Eight critical considerations for every organization as ESRD eligibility expands in 2021
This paper provides a brief overview of the upcoming end-stage renal disease Medicare Advantage eligibility change.
HealthIO: Gesundheit präventiv, prädiktiv und partizipativ gestalten
Find out howMedicare-Produkte von Milliman
Milliman MACVAT (Medicare Advantage Competitive Value Added Tool)
Health Cost Guidelines Suite
Milliman Advanced Risk Adjusters
ACO Care Management Impact Model
ACO Insight
Bundled Payment Reporting Interface
Medicare-Dienstleistungen von Milliman
Medicare-Ressourcen von Milliman
Medicare Advantage Uniformity Flexibility benefit offerings
A review of the Uniformity Flexibility benefits offered during the contract year 2019 plan year.
Optimizing hospital partnerships
Learn why Health Alliance Plan relies on the MedInsight Hospital Evaluation and Comparison System (HECS) tool for hospital contracting.
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