Produktentwicklung und Preisgestaltung
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Milliman Insight für Produktentwicklung und Preisfestlegung

You can own the risk Or own the consequences Insurtechs MGAs
Predicting whether insurtechs will seek closer connections among the players in the value chain, or a greater separation, requires consideration of factors that could cut both ways.

Multi-year guaranteed annuities: 2019 survey
Milliman conducted a new broad-based survey on multi-year guaranteed annuities, capturing historical data for key industry competitors, as well as company perspectives on a range of issues pertaining to these products into the future.

Tax reform impacts on life insurance pricing and profitability
This analysis measures the impact of the tax code changes on a range of different insurance product types.

Could private flood insurance be cheaper than the NFIP?
Milliman collaborated with KatRisk to develop tools to quickly assess the private flood insurance feasibility, and then compared our modeled private flood insurance premiums to those of the NFIP.

Managing enterprise risk: For life insurance companies, pricing demands clear assessment of possible threats
The recent volatility in the capital markets and the consequent adverse developments across the financial services industry have stimulated interest in more sophisticated risk-management techniques.