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Milliman Insight Aktuarielle Beratung

Healthcare Town Hall
Join the dialogue about healthcare reform at the Healthcare Town Hall blog. From regulatory changes to research insights, you’ll find the latest in-depth discussion and analysis—and a place to discuss them with others in the healthcare industry.

Milliman Healthcare Analytics Blog
We dig deep into rich Milliman MedInsight data to bring you insights you won’t find anywhere else, plus updates on the state of regulatory affairs.

Research Report
Milliman Medical Index
Read our latest analysis of healthcare costs in the U.S., including prescription drug and employer contribution trends.

Critical Point Podcast: Alternative Payment Methods
Alternatives to fee-for-service payment have been a hot topic in healthcare for some time. Learn about the challenges and benefits of various approaches and how payers, physicians, and patients are affected.
Aktuarielle Beratungsprodukte von Milliman
Healthcare cost modeling
Health Cost Guidelines Suite
Analytik im Gesundheitswesen
Healthcare risk adjustment
Milliman Advanced Risk Adjusters
Benefit plan evaluation
Healthcare cost modeling
Dashboard for Research, Insight, and Validation of Experience (DRIVE)
Healthcare cost modeling
Milliman Health Trend Guidelines
Medicare Advantage benchmarking
Milliman MACVAT (Medicare Advantage Competitive Value Added Tool)