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Research report

「Milliman 研究報告 – 亞洲地區分紅保險業務」發佈

23 January 2024


  1. 亞洲地區總覽,聚焦各國之間的比較,並辨識不同市場共同的議題
  2. 亞洲各國分紅保險簡要分析,點出造就當地分紅業務現況的主要議題、變化以及法規
  3. 亞洲八大分紅保險市場詳細報告:中國、香港、印度、印尼、馬來西亞、新加坡、斯里蘭卡、泰國。

此報告為英文版之譯本,由Milliman台灣辦公室按當地語言習慣及常用專有名詞翻譯 。原英文版報告連結:

Participating (par) insurance products represent a significant proportion of the life insurance business in many Asian markets. The contribution of par products toward the overall business varies in each market, for multiple reasons. This report provides a comprehensive overview of par business from three different perspectives:

  1. A regional view, focusing on how countries compare with each other, identifying common themes 
  2. A brief analysis of par by country, highlighting the major issues, changes, and regulations that define the local business environment
  3. A detailed country report for eight par markets: China, Hong Kong, India, Indonesia, Malaysia, Singapore, Sri Lanka, and Thailand

The English language version of this report is available here.

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