Risikomanagement in einer beispiellosen Krise
Menschen in aller Welt: Wie wir 2020 unsere Mission wie nie zuvor leben

Critical Point Folge 27: Telemedizin in der Zeit von COVID
Listen to the podcastCOVID-19 wird das gemeinschaftliche Rentenversicherungssystem mehr denn je in Bedrängnis bringen
Read the articleLiegt ein entschädigungspflichtiger Arbeitnehmer-Entschädigungsanspruch vor, wenn sich jemand am Arbeitsplatz mit COVID-19 infiziert?
Read the articleEin System, das auf allen Fronten angegriffen wird.
Milliman Pandemic Modeling Suite
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Folge 21: COVID-19 und die Auswirkungen auf die Kosten im Gesundheitswesen
Listen to the podcastGesundheit

COVID-19 and the future of HCBS
This paper discusses some challenges faced, actions taken, and the impact that the COVID-19 pandemic may have on home and community-based services for years to come.

Are nursing homes COVID-19’s “contaminated wells,” and will they receive additional resources?
Emerging data from around the world suggest that nursing home residents are at exceptionally high risk for contracting COVID-19.

Towards covering operating losses?
The experience of COVID-19 will probably trigger a new system for covering operating losses in the event of a health crisis.

Everything you think you know about COVID-19 is probably wrong, but some of it is useful
What are the challenges of interpreting data, reports, and media coverage surrounding the COVID-19 pandemic?

How might COVID19 impact 2021 supplemental benefits
While no one knows what will happen with COVID-19 in 2021, in the absence of a vaccine or other curative treatment, Medicare Advantage plans may be advised to consider possible impacts of the disease well into the future.

Ten questions providers should be asking about their value-based contracts and the COVID-19 pandemic
For any given provider organization, the impact of COVID-19 on its value-based contracts will depend largely on certain actuarial, legal, and strategic aspects of each agreement.
COVID-19: Considerations for commercial health insurance rates in 2021 and beyond
As knowledge around COVID-19 continues to evolve, much of the industry focus has been on this year’s costs, but this volatile and uncertain environment also presents an extraordinary challenge for health plans developing rates for 2021 commercial coverage.
COVID-19, unemployment, and healthcare coverage
In a system that ties healthcare coverage so tightly to employment, the implications of so many people losing their healthcare coverage are deadly serious in a pandemic.
Quantifying COVID-19 liability for long-term care providers
What is the potential impact that COVID-19 may have on medical professional liability and workers’ compensation claims within long-term care providers?
Designing payment arrangements for Medicaid providers in response to the COVID-19 emergency
While large for-profit healthcare provider entities with existing capital reserves or greater access to capital markets may be able to weather the financial strain caused by the COVID-19 pandemic, other small, rural, or safety net provider entities may require additional support to keep their doors open.
Neues zu den COVID-19-Vorschriften für Lebens- und Krankenversicherungen
Read the latest updatesCOVID-19 stellt die Branche auf die Probe – und formt ihre Zukunft.
Wie zuverlässig sind Ihre Nichtlebensversicherungs-Benchmarks in der COVID-19-Ära?
Read the articleWie wirkt sich die Unterbrechung bei elektiven medizinischen Leistungen auf bestehende Arbeiternehmer-Entschädigungsansprüche aus?
Read the articleDie Fahrt ins Nichts: Die Auswirkungen von COVID-19 auf die Autoversicherungsbranche
Read the articleWas bedeutet eine Beurlaubung und wie wirkt sich diese auf das Risiko für Arbeitnehmerunfallversicherungen aus?
Read the article
Folge 22: COVID-19 und das Risikomanagement in der Lebensversicherung
Listen to the podcastVersicherung

The pandemic hits the mortgage market: Assessing the impact in 2020 and beyond
Now that we are several months into the COVID-19 pandemic, sufficient data exists to analyze its effects on the mortgage market and draw conclusions on the impact this disruption will have on the mortgage marketplace for the rest of 2020 and 2021.

COVID-19: What have we learnt from SFCRs of UK life insurers
This article reviews the Solvency and Financial Condition Reports recently published by major life insurers in the United Kingdom to examine the disclosures made on the impact of COVID-19.

Milli-Byte follow-up: Life insurance product management and the COVID-19 pandemic
Milliman received responses from 30 carriers for the follow-up Milli-Byte Survey of Life Insurance Product Management and the COVID-19 pandemic.

Property & casualty insurance premium refunds during COVID-19: Actuarial and tax issues
Beginning in late March, shortly after stay-at-home orders were widely imposed nationwide due to the COVID-19 pandemic, many insurers began voluntarily paying partial premium refunds to personal auto policyholders.

Themes emerging from Q1 2020 earnings releases for non-life insurance companies relating to impact of claims related to COVID-19
COVID-19-related costs as a percentage of surplus by company will cover a broad range, depending on the business written, policy terms, reinsurance in place, and leverage of premium to surplus, among other factors.

In it for the long-haul: A case for the expanded use of the GSEs’ reinsurance CRT executions
This paper discusses COVID-19’s impact on the credit risk transfer market and reflects on the use of capital markets executions and reinsurance executions to meet government-sponsored enterprises’ goals.
COVID-19 ORSA guide Understanding risk within the ‘new normal’
In this paper, we discuss how insurers can explore their future exposures to the novel coronavirus through their ORSA.
COVID-19 at the courthouse door: Attorney invoices begin to show the impact of the novel coronavirus on property & casualty insurance litigation
The liability insurance industry experienced a widespread delay in litigation stemming from court closures as stay-at-home orders were implemented in March due to the COVID-19 pandemic.
Milli-Byte follow-up: Life insurance product management and the COVID-19 pandemic
Milliman received responses from 30 carriers for the follow-up Milli-Byte Survey of Life Insurance Product Management and the COVID-19 pandemic.
Personal auto insurance: In the time of COVID-19, being a compassionate insurer is a good financial strategy
The personal auto insurance market has taken a unique response to the COVID-19 pandemic and how it has chosen to reflect the impact of the short-term change in driver behavior.
Die Pandemie bringt die globalen Rentensysteme an die Belastungsgrenze.

Critical Point Folge 24: Was das CARES-Gesetz für Rentenversicherungen bedeutet
Listen to the podcastRente

Rebalancing global benefits now for a post-COVID-19 world
How will multinational companies find the right balance in their benefit programs to meet the needs of their employees and their business globally?

Thoughtful workforce transitions in higher education
One way higher education institutions are responding to financial challenges caused by the COVID-19 pandemic is to rethink their staffing models and reduce faculty and staff costs.

Executive compensation issues emerging from the COVID-19 crisis
What are some executive compensation issues that should be examined during these turbulent times?

Responding to the COVID-19 crisis
The COVID-19 pandemic has created economic uncertainty, and this article offers helpful guidelines for corporate pension plan sponsors based on past experience and the market data already in the books through the first quarter of 2020.

Multiemployer relief in HEROES Act
On May 15, 2020, the House of Representatives passed the Health and Economic Recovery Omnibus Emergency Solutions (HEROES) Act in response to the COVID-19 pandemic.

Using DB pension plans to smooth staff and payroll disruptions during COVID-19
This brief outlines several ideas for employers to consider in connection with their defined benefit pension plans as well as caveats to be aware of as you evaluate your organization’s staffing needs during the COVID-19 crisis.
Benefits communication in the age of COVID-19
In the midst of the COVID-19 crisis, there are even more challenges to communicating about benefits.
Benefits Alert: Coronavirus distributions consideration for DB Plans under the CARES Act
The Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security Act permits a “qualified individual” to certify to the employer that they qualify to elect a coronavirus-related distribution.
Understanding the multiemployer pension crisis
A strong understanding of the historical regulatory perspective can serve to inform the discussion on future regulatory changes designed to improve the long-term health of multiemployer pension plans.
Can multiemployer pension plans survive COVID-19?
On the heels of the dot-com bust from 2000-2002 and the global financial crisis in 2008, can multiemployer plans survive a third “once-in-a-lifetime” event?